Friday, February 21, 2014

Staples for Spring, and Life

Today I had a job interview, and while I had absolutely no stress about being grilled on all the ways I’m a “leader,” I almost had a mental breakdown about what outfit I was going to wear (shocker). My closet and my life*~ are going through major transitional stages right now, so for all those out there trying to streamline their clothes (and their lives): This is your sign.

Clingy girls, the end of a keg, going shopping for new clothes. I’m not sure what the exact order is, but I think these are the top fears for guys, right? I personally love to shop, but I realize that not everyone has as much sick joy as I do when extra cash is in hand and there’s a sale at [insert literally any reputable store here]. Remember guys, we’re on a fashion journey, and in order to improve our look we must update what’s hanging up in our closets and let go of our favorite band tees that have now shrunken into crop tops. 

Believe it or not, I’m a believer of filling your closet with mostly staple pieces, rather than a bunch of bullshit that will only be worn once/look awkward in three to six months. That being said, I’m still in my 20’s so the updates have to reflect some sort of trend (and embarrass me in about 10 years).

White button-up. Crisp, classic, and cool are just some of the first reactions I have upon seeing someone in an all white button-up. One fitted for more formal occasions and one a little loose fitting for literally any other occasion.

Black Jeans. First and foremost they’re chameleons, and they can go well with a T-shirt or be dressed up with an oxford and tie. The trick, as always, is getting a pair that fits (if you’re mesmerized by your ass in the mirror, they fit).

V-Neck T-shirt. Remember when they were kind of controversial? Then, remember a few months later when deep V’s were a thing and guys everywhere looked like J. Lo at the Grammy’s? #memories. The V should hit midway between clavicle + nipple and be worn with pride.

Patterned Dress Shirt. Lately I’ve been loving on polka dots, but if you’re feeling frisky floral or heart shapes have been making an otherwise ordinary shirt feel anything but.

Leather Jacket. I’m frankly scared if you don’t have one, but…

Baseball Jacket. The athletic trend is taking over and it’s the perfect jacket for spring days where it can go from sunny to snowy in a moment’s notice.

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